This is the home page for a PBeM game of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. I do not have, nor am I expecting to buy, all of the support material, so those of you familiar with the canonical Warhammer world may find that this one diverges from it to some extent.
The Characters:
A Campaign Timeline
Important (or not so ..) NPCs
The Archives
The Fountain of Lemnar |
Book 1 - To Lin-AdelleFinished October, 2003 |
Book 2 - The Sword of Ryo-AldenarFinished May, 2004 |
Book 3 - On to the Fountain of LemnarFinished September, 2004 |
At this point, the party (and the campaign) split. Maewyn, a druid and a rural type, chose to pursue her destiny in the wilds and mountains. The rest, with a more urban outlook, headed for the cities.
The Company of FiveHerger, Marri, Michael, Rurik, Tibbiddo |
Book 1 - Hunting Greywolf |
Book 2 - Trouble In Nuln |
A sample month of output from a calendar program I wrote.