Warhammer PBeM - Timeline
- 1 Sommerzeit, 2508, Aubentag
- Company arrives in Nuln.
- 26 Sigmarzeit, 2508, Aubentag
full Moon
- 21 Sigmarzeit, 2508, Bezahltag
Morrslieb full
- 20 Sigmarzeit, 2508, Backertag
- Company departs for Nuln by riverboat.
- 18 Sigmarzeit, 2508, Aubentag
- High Holy day for Sigmarites.
- 10 Sigmarzeit, 2508, Aubentag
- Rurik and Tibbo return.
- 1 Sigmarzeit, 2508, Wellentag
full Moon
- Early Pflugzeit, 2508
- Rurik and Tibbo do some preliminary investigation at Nuln.
Finish The Company of Five, Book 1
- Early Pflugzeit, 2508
- Company returns to Altdorf.
- Mid Jarhdrung, 2508
- The events in the Moot take place.
- Late Nachexen, 2508
- Keep is given to the Sigmarites, company leaves for the
Moot in search of Greywolf.
- Mid Nachexen, 2508
- Tibbo, Herger, Lothar and Sigmarites leave Altdorf for Keep.
- Winter, 2507
- Marri, Rurik and Michael remain at the Keep. Tibbo and
Herger return to Altdorf.
- Early Pflugzeit, 2507
- The party arrives at Likar's Keep and defeat the
necromancer, Mallorax.
- 29 Jahrdrung, 2507
- The party arrives in Nuln.
- 9 Jahrdrung, 2507
- The party sets off again, for Nuln..
- 16 Ulriczeit, 2506, Aubentag
full Moon
- The party is settling into Altdorf.
- 16 Erntezeit, 2506, Angestag
full Moon
- The party return to Altdorf.
Finish Book 3, the Third and Final Part of the First Adventure
- 28 Sommerzeit, 2506
- The others return to Lin-Adelle.
- 25 Sommerzeit, 2506
- Herger and Tibbo return to Lin-Adelle.
- 33 Sigmarzeit, 2506, Konistag
- The others arrive at the mountains.
- 25 Sigmarzeit, 2506, Konistag
- Herger and Tibbo arrive back at mountains.
- 17 Sigmarzeit, 2506
- Party splits. Most are beaten by Hunter and found by
dwarf and zoat. Herger and Tibbo continue.
- 1 Sommerzeit, 2506, Konistag
- Depart Mount Adnor
- 26 Sigmarzeit, 2506, Konistag
- Arrive at Mount Adnor
- 20 Sigmarzeit, 2506
- Fight and slay Dark Hunter.
- 2 Sigmarzeit, 2506, Konistag
- Finish crossing the World's Edge Mountains.
- 3 Pflugzeit, 2506, Konistag
- Depart Lin-Adelle.
Finish Book 2, the Second Part of the Adventure
- 25 Erntezeiteim, 2505
- Arrive at Lin-Adelle.
- 19 Erntezeiteim, 2505
- Start across Blackfire Pass.
- 18 Erntezeit, 2505, Angestag
full Moon
- 16 Erntezeiteim, 2505
- Arrive at foot of Blackfire Pass.
- 12 Erntezeiteim, 2505
- Arrive at Pfeildorf.
- 3 Erntezeiteim, 2505
- Return to Dunkelberg.
- 1 Erntezeiteim, 2505
- Return to Dunkelberg.
- 28 Nachgeheim, 2505
- Finish recovering.
- 26 Nachgeheim, 2505
- The party arrives at Likar's keep, recovers sword,
fights, and retreats to the druids.
- 24 Nachgeheim, 2505, Bezahltag
full Moon
- The druids commune with nature.
- 23 Nachgeheim, 2505, Bakertag
- The party meet Alinette and Willowbrook.
- 22 Nachgeheim, 2505, Marktag
- The fight with the Dark Hunter, Herger is wounded.
- 21 Nachgeheim, 2505, Aubentag
- Michael, Marri and Maewyn arrive at the site of Verghof.
- 19 Nachgeheim, 2505, Festag
- Maewyn returns from woods.
- 13 Nachgeheim, 2505, Aubentag
- Herger, Rurik and Tibbo arrive at the site of Verghof.
- 11 Nachgeheim, 2505, Festag
- Maewyn goes into woods. Michael and Marri wait in Dunkelburg.
Herger, Rurik and Tibbo move on.
- 10 Nachgeheim, 2505, Angestag
- Arrive in Dunkelburg
- 6 Nachgeheim, 2505, Marktag
- The fight in the undercity. They flee Nuln.
- 5 Nachgeheim, 2505, Aubentag
- The party learns of Pisselwein's house.
- 3 Nachgeheim, 2505, Festag
- Herger, Maewyn and Michael visit Verena again.
Marri, Michael and Tibbo visit the Civil Records, then
the bookseller
The party is harassed by the watch and splits up.
- 2 Nachgeheim, 2505, Angestag
- Marri goes back to Gold and Sons
Rurik, Herger, Tibbo and Maewyn investigate Likar's
old site.
- 1 Nachgeheim, 2505, Konistag,
full Moon
Morrslieb full
- Marri and Herger go to the Temple of Verena
Tibbo goes to the University
- Geheimnistag, 2505
- Arrive in Nuln
- 21 Vorgeheim, 2505, Wellentag
- Strike the Aver.
- 9 Vorgeheim, 2505, Bezehltag
- Fight with the bandits.
- 8 Vorgeheim, 2505, Backertag
full Moon
- 6 Vorgeheim, 2505, Aubentag
- During descent meet Thorvald.
- 3 Vorgeheim, 2505, Festag
- Head back toward Nuln, make Erikspall.
- 30 Sommerzeit, 2505, Wellentag
- Return to Lin-Adelle.
- 27 Sommerzeit, 2505, Konistag
- Arrive at Arras-Akkas.
- 24 Sommerzeit, 2505, Backertag
- Depart for Arras-Akkas.
Finish Book 1, the First Part of the Adventure
- 7 Sommerzeit, 2505, Wellentag
- Arrive at Lin-Adelle.
- 6 Sommerzeit, 2505, Wellentag
- Finish crossing the Blackfire Pass, arrive at Erikspall.
- 4 Sommerzeit, 2505, Angestag
- The fight with Pietr.
- 1 Sommerzeit, 2505, Backertag
- Arrive at the foot of the Blackfire Pass.
- 29 Simgarzeit, 2505, Angestag
- Mysterious visitor in the night.
- 26 Simgarzeit, 2505, Backertag
full Moon
- 25 Simgarzeit, 2505, Marktag
- Leave Moot Crossing
- 23 Simgarzeit, 2505, Wellentag
- Arrive in Moot Crossing.
- 21 Simgarzeit, 2505, Angestag
- Arrive in Haymarket.
- 18 Simgarzeit, 2505, Backertag
- Arrive in Averheim.
- 1 Simgarzeit, 2505, Marktag
- Depart Nuln.
- 32 Pflugzeit, 2505, Wellentag
- Arrive in Nuln
- 23 Pflugzeit, 2505, Festag
- Depart for Nuln
- 22 Pflugzeit, 2505, Angestag
- Arrive in Kemperbad with Jurgens' boat.
- 9 Pflugzeit, 2505
full Moon
- 8 Pflugzeit, 2505
- Attacked by Alaraic Jurgens.
- 6 Pflugzeit, 2505
- Take passage on Reik Princess.
- 5 Pflugzeit, 2505, Konigstag
- To Altdorf to seek passage.
- 4 Pflugzeit, 2505
- Theobald returns with a cart, company leaves Altdorf
for Bundesmarkt.
- 1 Pflugzeit, 2505
- Game starts. Theobald visits Herger at his home and tells
him of the crisis.
- 5 Jahrdrung, 2505
- Herger Blichtrest's employer, Karl Ammerung, a local
magistrate, is torn apart by a mob crazed by his incredible level of
corruption. Herger is not implicated or harmed, but was unemployed.