Temple of Verena:

The Temple of Verena at Nuln is not only one of the most impressive buildings in Nuln, but the largest and most impressive Temple of Verena in the Empire. Located in the Kircheteil, it faces the main gate of the Überstadt, across a small square. The main road leading to the Hochmarkt and Groseebrücke passes to one side of the temple, heading almost due North and rising slightly, while to the other side of the temple another main road wends down the easier slope toward the Alt Brücke and the temples of Sigmar and Shallya.

The design is fairly traditional, but exceptional in its size. An open square lies beneath a wide flight of eight steps at the top of which a row of no less then fifteen large columns supports the facade. An owl is engraved over the large central door. The left-hand door, called the Justice Door, is surmounted by a scales design and is only half the size of the main door. The right-hand door matches the left in size, but is decorated with a downward pointing sword, and is called the Door of Redress. Few temples have even two doors on the front, and this one alone has three.

Halls extend back from each door, with cross passages connecting them, and smaller rooms extending out from the sides with courtyards between the wings.

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