The bridge itself is a high arched structure of stone. On the West side, the bridge starts at the top of the cliff, and slopes down to the lower bank on the west. The last arch has sufficient space beneath it to allow passage for riverboats and barges. The other arches are blocked with heavy chains so that all river traffic must pass through the westernmost arch, which naturally has a lock and a toll. Likewise, all traffic coming onto the bridge from the West which is not known to be local (either by papers, liveries or personally to the toll-keeper), must also pay a toll.
The Grossebrüke district is the area enclosed by the old city walls on the East side of the bridge. The area was enclosed to allow for defense of the bridge, and it still serves primarily as quartering and training grounds for the Nuln army. Some of the area is given over to taverns and restaurants, and also to a few private homes. However, the vast majority of the inhabitants are Nulner soldiers. The local militia are required to come here to train, but the watch is explicitly denied authority in the district, which is a sore point between the watch and soldiers. The sole point of access is through the Soldatenpforte, the Soldiers' Gate, and naturally there is a toll. However, the toll here is sufficient to gain access to the bridge from the East.
There is a small temple to Ulric in the area.
TOLL: Across the bridge/through the Soldatenpforte, 1/- leg as usual. TOLL: Under bridge, 1/- per foot and 1 Crown per mast